Azure B2C Not Returning User’s Email in Application Claims Reliably? Here’s the Fix!
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Azure B2C Not Returning User’s Email in Application Claims Reliably? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you tired of dealing with Azure B2C’s unpredictability when it comes to returning user emails in application claims? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Azure B2C, explore the issue, and provide you with step-by-step solutions to get those user emails flowing into your application claims like clockwork.

What’s the Problem?

Azure B2C is an incredible identity management solution, but even the best of us encounter issues sometimes. One of the most frustrating problems is when Azure B2C fails to return the user’s email in the application claims. You’ve configured everything correctly, followed all the tutorials, and yet… nothing. Zilch. Zip. Zero.

This issue can manifest in various ways, such as:

  • The user’s email is not present in the application claims.
  • The email is returned inconsistently, sometimes appearing, sometimes not.
  • Your application is unable to authenticate users due to the missing email claim.

Why is this Happening?

Before we jump into the solutions, let’s quickly understand why this issue occurs in the first place. There are a few reasons why Azure B2C might not be returning the user’s email in the application claims:

  1. Missing or misconfigured claims mapping**: Azure B2C relies on claims mapping to return user data to your application. If the email claim is not correctly mapped, it won’t be returned.
  2. Inconsistent user profile data**: If the user’s email is not present or inconsistent in their Azure B2C profile, it won’t be returned in the application claims.

Solution 1: Verify Claims Mapping

The first step in resolving this issue is to verify that the email claim is correctly mapped in Azure B2C. Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal and navigate to your Azure B2C tenant.
  2. Click on “Identity providers” and select the identity provider you’re using (e.g., Facebook, Google, etc.).
  3. Click on “Claims mapping” and ensure that the “email” claim is mapped to the correct field in the user’s profile.
  4. Save your changes.
    "name": "email",
    "partnerClaimType": "email",
    "required": true

In the above code snippet, we’re mapping the “email” claim to the “email” field in the user’s profile.

Solution 2: Ensure Consistent User Profile Data

Next, we need to ensure that the user’s email is consistently present in their Azure B2C profile. You can do this by:

  1. Verifying that the user’s email is present and correct in their Azure B2C profile.
  2. Modifying your Azure B2C signin/sign-up policy to include the email claim.
  3. Using a consistent email claim type (e.g., “email” instead of “Email” or “EMAIL”).

Here’s an example of how you can modify your signin/sign-up policy to include the email claim:

    "Name": "SignUpOrSignIn",
    "Dependency": {
      "Type": "CombinedSignInAndSignUp",
      "EntryPoint": {
        "Localized": {
          "en": "Sign Up or Sign In"
    "ClaimsProviders": [
        "Protocol": "OpenIdConnect",
        "ProtocolName": "OpenidConnectProtocol",
        "Required": true,
        "OutputClaimToViewModel": [
            "ClaimType": "email",
            "OutputClaimType": "email"

Solution 3: Configure Token Settings

Finally, let’s ensure that the token configuration is correct. You can do this by:

  1. Verifying that the token lifetime is sufficient for your application.
  2. Ensuring that the token includes the email claim.
  3. Configuring the token encryption and signing settings correctly.

Here’s an example of how you can modify your token settings to include the email claim:

    "TokenType": "id_token",
    "TokenLifetime": "PT1H",
    "Claims": [
        "ClaimType": "email",
        "OutputClaimType": "email"

Additional Tips and Tricks

To avoid issues with Azure B2C not returning user emails in application claims, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Regularly review your Azure B2C configuration and token settings.
  • Use a consistent claim type for the email claim (e.g., “email” instead of “Email” or “EMAIL”).
  • Test your Azure B2C signin/sign-up flow regularly to ensure it’s working as expected.
  • Consider implementing a fallback mechanism to handle cases where the email claim is not returned.
Troubleshooting Tip Description
Check Azure B2C logs Verify that the email claim is being returned in the Azure B2C logs.
Verify token claims Use a tool like to verify that the email claim is present in the token.
Test with different identity providers Test your signin/sign-up flow with different identity providers to isolate the issue.


Azure B2C not returning user emails in application claims can be frustrating, but by following the solutions and tips outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and ensure a seamless signin/sign-up experience for your users.

Remember to regularly review your Azure B2C configuration, test your signin/sign-up flow, and consider implementing a fallback mechanism to handle cases where the email claim is not returned. With these strategies in place, you’ll be well on your way to resolving this pesky issue and providing a better experience for your users.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your Azure B2C questions and troubleshoot issues with user email returns!

Why is Azure B2C not returning the user’s email in application claims?

Azure B2C might not return the user’s email in application claims if the email claim is not explicitly configured in the Azure B2C token configuration. Make sure to include the email claim in the token configuration to receive the user’s email in the application claims.

How do I configure Azure B2C to return the user’s email in application claims?

To configure Azure B2C to return the user’s email, navigate to the Azure B2C portal, go to the “Token configuration” section, and add the “email” claim to the list of claims. Then, save the changes and test the flow to verify that the user’s email is returned in the application claims.

What if I’ve already configured the email claim, but Azure B2C is still not returning the user’s email?

If you’ve already configured the email claim, but Azure B2C is still not returning the user’s email, check the Azure B2C user flow configuration to ensure that the email claim is enabled for the specific flow. Also, verify that the user has a verified email address in their Azure B2C profile.

Can I use a custom policy to return the user’s email in Azure B2C?

Yes, you can use a custom policy to return the user’s email in Azure B2C. Create a custom policy that includes the “email” claim and configure the policy to return the claim in the token. This approach provides more flexibility and control over the claims returned in the token.

How do I troubleshoot issues with Azure B2C not returning the user’s email in application claims?

To troubleshoot issues with Azure B2C not returning the user’s email, review the Azure B2C token configuration and user flow configuration to ensure that the email claim is enabled. Also, verify that the user has a verified email address in their Azure B2C profile. If the issue persists, use Azure B2C logging and debugging tools to identify the root cause of the issue.