Does Updating a Frozen Column Generate a Tombstone? [Migrated]
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Does Updating a Frozen Column Generate a Tombstone? [Migrated]

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If you’re a Cassandra user, you might have stumbled upon the concept of frozen columns and tombstones. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Cassandra data modeling and explore whether updating a frozen column generates a tombstone.

What are Frozen Columns?

In Cassandra, frozen columns are a type of column that is serialized and stored as a single, immutable value. When you create a frozen column, Cassandra writes the entire column to disk as a single value, making it efficient for storage and retrieval. Frozen columns are useful when you need to store complex data structures, such as JSON or blobs.

CREATE TABLE mytable (
    id int PRIMARY KEY,
    data frozen

In the above example, the “data” column is a frozen column, which means that Cassandra will store the entire column as a single, immutable value.

What are Tombstones?

A tombstone is a special type of deletion marker in Cassandra. When you delete a row or column, Cassandra doesn’t immediately remove the data from disk. Instead, it writes a tombstone, which is a metadata marker that indicates the data has been deleted. Tombstones are essential for Cassandra’s distributed architecture, as they allow Cassandra to properly garbage collect deleted data.

DELETE FROM mytable WHERE id = 1;

In the above example, when you delete a row, Cassandra writes a tombstone to mark the deletion. The tombstone contains metadata about the deleted row, including the column names and timestamp.

Does Updating a Frozen Column Generate a Tombstone?

Now, let’s get to the million-dollar question: does updating a frozen column generate a tombstone? The short answer is no, updating a frozen column does not generate a tombstone.

When you update a frozen column, Cassandra overwrites the entire column with the new value. Since the column is immutable, Cassandra doesn’t need to write a tombstone to mark the deletion of the old value. Instead, it simply replaces the old value with the new one.

UPDATE mytable SET data = '{"new":"value"}' WHERE id = 1;

In the above example, when you update the “data” column, Cassandra overwrites the entire column with the new value. No tombstone is generated, as the old value is replaced with the new one.

Implications of Updating Frozen Columns

Updating frozen columns can have implications on your Cassandra cluster. Since frozen columns are serialized and stored as a single value, updating a frozen column can lead to increased storage requirements. Additionally, if you update a frozen column frequently, it can lead to hotspots in your cluster, as Cassandra needs to rewrite the entire column on each update.

To mitigate these implications, it’s essential to carefully design your data model and consider the trade-offs of using frozen columns. You should also ensure that your Cassandra cluster is properly configured to handle the additional storage requirements and write load.

Best Practices for Working with Frozen Columns

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with frozen columns:

  • Use frozen columns judiciously: Frozen columns are useful for storing complex data structures, but they can lead to increased storage requirements and hotspots. Use them only when necessary.
  • Design for immutability: Since frozen columns are immutable, design your data model with immutability in mind. Avoid updating frozen columns frequently, and instead, consider using regular columns or other data structures.
  • Monitor storage requirements: Keep an eye on your storage requirements when using frozen columns. Ensure that your Cassandra cluster is properly configured to handle the additional storage needs.
  • Optimize for writes: Updating frozen columns can lead to hotspots in your cluster. Optimize your Cassandra cluster for writes by ensuring that you have sufficient write capacity and proper data distribution.


In conclusion, updating a frozen column does not generate a tombstone in Cassandra. However, it’s essential to carefully design your data model and consider the implications of using frozen columns. By following best practices and understanding the trade-offs of frozen columns, you can ensure that your Cassandra cluster runs smoothly and efficiently.

Scenario Tombstone Generation
Deleting a row Yes
Updating a regular column No
Updating a frozen column No

The table above summarizes the scenarios where tombstones are generated in Cassandra. Remember, updating a frozen column does not generate a tombstone, but deleting a row or column does.

By understanding the intricacies of frozen columns and tombstones, you can master Cassandra data modeling and build efficient, scalable applications. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the maximum size of a frozen column?

    The maximum size of a frozen column is 65,535 bytes. If you need to store larger data structures, consider using regular columns or other data structures.

  2. Can I update a frozen column in a materialized view?

    Yes, you can update a frozen column in a materialized view, but be cautious of the implications on storage requirements and write load.

  3. How do I query a frozen column?

    You can query a frozen column using the Cassandra query language (CQL). Use the FROM clause to specify the column and the WHERE clause to filter the results.

By now, you should have a solid understanding of frozen columns and tombstones in Cassandra. Remember to design your data model with immutability in mind, and carefully consider the implications of using frozen columns.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on Cassandra’s behavior when updating a frozen column!

Does updating a frozen column in Cassandra generate a tombstone?

Yes, updating a frozen column in Cassandra does generate a tombstone. When you update a frozen column, Cassandra treats it as a delete operation followed by an insert operation, which results in a tombstone being created.

What is the impact of tombstones on my Cassandra cluster?

Tombstones can have a significant impact on your Cassandra cluster, particularly during compaction and garbage collection. They can cause increased latency, slower queries, and even lead to performance issues if not properly managed.

How can I minimize the impact of tombstones in my Cassandra cluster?

To minimize the impact of tombstones, you can adjust your compaction strategy, increase your gc_grace_seconds, and implement a regular cleanup process to remove expired tombstones. Additionally, consider using Cassandra’s built-in tombstone compaction features, such as the `tombstone_compaction_interval` setting.

Can I completely avoid generating tombstones when updating frozen columns?

No, you cannot completely avoid generating tombstones when updating frozen columns in Cassandra. However, you can minimize their impact by implementing the strategies mentioned earlier and carefully designing your data model to reduce the need for frequent updates to frozen columns.

What Cassandra versions are affected by this behavior?

All Cassandra versions are affected by this behavior, as it is a fundamental aspect of Cassandra’s architecture. However, newer versions of Cassandra, such as 3.x and 4.x, provide more advanced features and settings to help manage tombstones and improve performance.