How Can I Remove All History (commits and etc.) of Huge GIT Repo?
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How Can I Remove All History (commits and etc.) of Huge GIT Repo?

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Are you stuck with a gigantic Git repository that’s bloated with unnecessary commits, branches, and tags? Do you want to start fresh and remove all the unwanted history, but don’t know where to begin? Worry not, dear Git enthusiast, for this article is here to guide you through the process of removing all history from your massive Git repo!

Why Remove Git History?

There are several reasons why you might want to remove all history from your Git repository:

  • Repository size reduction**: A large Git repository can be overwhelming, especially when working with big files or binaries. By removing unnecessary history, you can significantly reduce the repository size, making it easier to manage and share.
  • Improved performance**: A bloated Git repository can lead to slow performance, especially during cloning, pushing, and pulling operations. Removing history can help speed up these processes.
  • Confidentiality and security**: If you’ve accidentally committed sensitive information, such as passwords or API keys, removing the history can help keep your data secure.
  • Starting fresh**: Sometimes, it’s just nice to start with a clean slate. Removing all history allows you to recreate your repository from scratch, without the burden of previous mistakes or unnecessary commits.

Before We Begin…

Before you embark on this journey, please note the following:

  • Backup your repository**: Removing all history is a permanent operation. Make sure you have a backup of your repository before proceeding, in case something goes wrong.
  • Notify your team (if applicable)**: If you’re working on a team, make sure everyone is aware of the impending changes and agrees to the removal of all history.
  • This process is irreversible**: Once you remove all history, there’s no going back. Be certain you understand the implications before proceeding.

Step 1: Create a New, Empty Repository

Create a brand new, empty Git repository to serve as the foundation for your new, history-free repository. You can do this using the following command:

git init my_new_repo

This will create a new directory called my_new_repo with an empty Git repository.

Step 2: Add the Original Repository as a Remote

Add the original repository as a remote to your new, empty repository. Use the following command:

git remote add original

Replace with the URL of your original repository.

Step 3: Fetch the Original Repository’s Data

Fetch the original repository’s data using the following command:

git fetch original

This will download all the data from the original repository, including branches, tags, and commits.

Step 4: Create a New Branch and Checkout

Create a new branch in your new repository using the following command:

git branch --orphan tmp

This will create a new branch called tmp that has no parent commits.

Checkout the new branch:

git checkout tmp

Step 5: Add the Original Repository’s Files

Add all the files from the original repository to your new repository using the following command:

git add .

This will stage all the files in your working directory, which are now the files from the original repository.

Step 6: Commit the Changes

Commit the changes using the following command:

git commit -m "Initial commit"

This will create a new commit that includes all the files from the original repository.

Step 7: Push the New Repository

Push the new repository to a remote location, such as GitHub or GitLab:

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Replace with the URL of your new repository.

Step 8: Remove the Original Repository’s Remote

Remove the original repository’s remote using the following command:

git remote rm original

This will remove the connection to the original repository.

And That’s It!

Congratulations! You’ve successfully removed all history from your huge Git repository. You now have a brand new, clean repository with no unnecessary commits, branches, or tags.

Tips and Variations

If you want to preserve some of the original repository’s history, you can use git filter-branch to rewrite the commit history. This command allows you to remove specific commits, rewrite commit messages, or even change the author information.

git filter-branch -d /dev/null --env-filter '
    if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" = "Old Author" ]; then
        GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="New Author";
        GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="[email protected]";

This example demonstrates how to rewrite the commit history to change the author information for commits made by “Old Author” to “New Author”.

Another approach is to use git rebase to squash all commits into a single commit. This can be useful if you want to preserve some of the original repository’s history but still reduce the number of commits.

git rebase -i --root
... ( repeat for each commit )

This will allow you to interactively rebase the commits, squashing them into a single commit.


Removing all history from a huge Git repository can be a daunting task, but with the right steps and techniques, it’s definitely possible. Remember to backup your repository, notify your team (if applicable), and be aware of the implications of removing all history. By following this guide, you’ll be able to remove all commits, branches, and tags from your repository, giving you a fresh start.

Step Command Description
1 git init my_new_repo Create a new, empty repository
2 git remote add original Add the original repository as a remote
3 git fetch original Fetch the original repository’s data
4 git branch --orphan tmp Create a new branch with no parent commits
5 git add . Add all files from the original repository
6 git commit -m "Initial commit" Commit the changes
7 git remote add origin Push the new repository to a remote location
8 git remote rm original Remove the original repository’s remote

Frequently Asked Question

Git got you down? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers to get you back on track!

How can I completely wipe out all history of a massive Git repository?

You can use the `git filter-branch` command to rewrite the entire history of your repository. This will allow you to remove all commits, tags, and other history. However, be cautious when using this command, as it can be destructive and irreversible. Make sure to back up your repository before attempting this!

Is there a way to remove all commits and history without rewriting the entire repository?

Yes, you can use the `git update-ref` command to delete all refs (branches, tags, etc.) and then remove the Git database files. This will effectively remove all history, but be aware that this method is not recommended, as it can cause issues with your repository. Proceed with caution!

What about using `git reset –hard` to remove all commits and history?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but `git reset –hard` only resets the current branch to a specific commit, it doesn’t remove the entire history. You’ll still have all the commits and history intact. It’s not the solution you’re looking for in this case.

Will removing all history affect my current code and files?

Removing all history won’t affect your current code and files, thankfully! The removal of history only applies to the Git database and doesn’t touch your actual code. You’ll still have all your files and code intact, but without the Git history.

Are there any downsides to removing all history in a Git repository?

Yes, there are several downsides to removing all history. You’ll lose all commit messages, authorship information, and branching history. This can make it difficult to track changes, identify issues, and collaborate with others. Additionally, removing history can cause problems when working with other developers who may still have a copy of the original history. Proceed with caution and consider the consequences before taking the leap!

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